Episode 8 : Swapping Trowels for Controllers : Videogames And Archaeology Part 2

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Hello everyone – I am back with an epsiode on Archaeology and Videogames! Today I speak to Tara coppelstone who is currently doing her PhD at the University of York on this very topic.

We get into the interesting world of representing the ancient world properly in the vitrual medium and she give some examples of the games she’s created.
If you want to check out more of her work, head on over to her blog or website.



The Anarchaeologist Podcast is part of the Archaeology Podcast Network – launching on the 1st December!

Rendezvous with Reinhard!

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Today’s special I bring back Andrew Reinhard of the Atari dig and Archaeogaming blog fame. In this episode we discuss the sale of the Atari cartridges that were excavated in Spring. If you are interested in more information check out Archaeogaming blog or @archaeogaming on Twitter

Episode 7 : Prof. Holtorf and the Temple of Public Archaeology


Todays episode is a conversation with Proffessor Cornelius Holtorf including, but not resticted to the topic “archaeology as brand”. Prof. Holtorf released this book back in 2007 through Left Coast Press; in it he talks about the nature of the interactions that the public have with archaeology, much to the disdain of archaeologists. In this episode we meet this ‘conflict’ head on and even I change my mind about a few things. If you want out why, listen in.




Academic Page

Personal Website

Academia.edu Page




The Archaeology Podcast Network is launching in December 2014 – watch this space!

Episode 6 : Archaeologists Under Fire / Battlezone Archaeology

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Today’s episode is a little different to others; I speak to Brent Huffman, a filmmaker with a passion for a site in Afghanistan Mes Aynak is under threat from a Chinese mining company who wish to perform open cast mining on the site to acquire the copper ore underneath. In this episode, Brent describes his motivation for travelling in a very dangerous part of Afghanistan and what he saw on site; I ask him about how his opinion of archaeology has changed over the course of filming and he describes his frustration with the politics of the site preventing meaningful salvage of the history. Some of the things talked about are very difficult to hear and I want to put a slight disclaimer for listeners to be aware of some of the occupational dangers of working in this part of the world.

The film is premiering at the International Documentary Film festival Amsterdam  and if you want more information head on over to the Saving Mes Aynak website
Music : Smokin Diamonds

Episode 5 : Anarchism And Archaeology

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Today I speak to Ed Gonzalez-Tennant about Anarchism and Archaeology, archaeology in the American south and how to apply these kind of ideas to methodology. We explore what anarchism means, why some warn its a death wish to write about and how to topple the hierarchies of knowledge and history to provide a level field for everyone.  I completely lost it at one point so be prepared. I hope you enjoy listening to Ed as much as I did.



Music Credits to Smokin Diamonds

Episode 4 : Open Access Archaeology

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In todays episode I have a conversation with Doug who runs the website open access archaeology. In addition to this website which has lots of handy links, he runs a twitter account @OpenAccessArch which  tweets out links to thousands of open access articles to read to your hearts content. OpenAccess has been causing a stir in academic circles but now more than ever, the paywall between the public and papers is being slowly dismantled.

If you want to know more about open access listen to todays episode or head over to Open Access Archaeology



Intro Music is Something Right and Something Real by In An Instant

Outro Music is performed by The Smokin Diamonds

Episode 3 : Community Archaeology

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On today’s podcast I talk to Harriet and Dr Lorna Richardson about community archaeology; we discuss what it means in theory and in practise as well as responding to the phrase “archaeology is community archaeology or it is nothing”.

How can community archaeology bring people together? What does it mean to people? These questions and many are discussed in this downloadable podcast.


Tune in every fortnight and don’t forget to find us on iTunes as well


Lorna Richardson


Twitter @lornarichardson

Episode 2 : Archaeology And New Media


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Today’s episode is in two parts; first I talk to Tom Goskar who is the creator of the original Archaeocast and what it was like first podcasting back in 2004, what the future holds and he ends up quizzing me at certain points. The second guest is Mr. Soup, creator of the ArchaeoSoup Channel on Youtube; we get angry at people talking about Stonehenge and talk about the future of archaeology.



Tom Goskar : Website

Archaeosoup : Youtube Channel ; Website 

Episode 1 : Archaeology and Videogames

Welcome to the Anarchaeologist Podcast – In today’s episode we take the first tentative steps into the world of Archaeology and videogames. My guest is Andrew Reinhard, self proclamined “Punk Archaeologist”, publisher and runs the Archaeogaming blog.


We discuss archaeology’s representation in videogames, archaeology in Skyrim and World of Warcraft and the future of archaeology in the gaming industry!


Feel free to comment or if you have feedback email admin@anarchaeologist.co.uk


Thanks to In An Instant for use of their music – which you can check out at http://inaninstant.bandcamp.com/